What kinds of spiders are found in Ohio?
Ohio residents may encounter a variety of spider species. Some of the most common spiders found in residential areas include:
Common house spiders are often found indoors, constructing messy cobwebs in corners, windows, and other secluded areas of homes.
Cellar spiders, also known as daddy longlegs, cellar spiders are frequently found in basements, crawl spaces, and other dark, damp areas of buildings.
Jumping spiders are active hunters known for their agility and ability to leap long distances. They can be found indoors and outdoors, often on walls, windows, and vegetation.
Wolf spiders are ground-dwelling hunters commonly found in gardens, lawns, and wooded areas around properties.
Orb weaver spiders are known for their intricate, wheel-shaped webs, which they build in gardens, shrubs, and grassy areas to catch flying insects.
Sac spiders are nocturnal hunters who create small silk sacs for shelter during the day. They can be found indoors and outdoors, often hiding in cracks, crevices, and foliage.
Brown recluse spiders, while less common, can be found in Ohio, particularly in southern regions. They prefer dark, sheltered areas such as closets, attics, and basements.
Black widow spiders are also present in Ohio, although they are less common. They tend to inhabit undisturbed areas such as woodpiles, sheds, and outdoor structures.
What should I do about spiders on my property?
While most spiders are harmless and beneficial for controlling insect populations, it's essential to be cautious and avoid handling or disturbing potentially venomous species.
Dealing with spiders on your property can be managed through a combination of preventive measures and targeted control strategies.
If you have a severe spider infestation or are dealing with potentially dangerous species like brown recluse or black widow spiders, please contact Dean’s Pest Control and ask about our Home Shield Program or our Property Shield Program, designed for commercial properties to implement effective spider control measures.
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